Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Migration: from Bone Dry to Soggy

The call of Golf Happens in Carnation, Wa, and the call of family encourage us to close up Casa Verde for the season.   April 1, 2011, a couple of fools say "Adios Casa Verde Garden."   I take a photo trip around the house on March 23 to document the plantings. With crossed fingers a limited water system is left to care for the plants.  Gerardo will keep the grass mowed. Take care little garden.  We begin at the entrance.

The plan is to attach the boug to the palm

Boxer memorial and cleared lot to our north

Not sure this little one will make it

Notice rockery has been extended to end of house

drip to boug added

Views across the Little Lake Tamarisk to the land scalping done for Kaiser Properties.

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