Friday, February 4, 2011


Have covered the bougs the last three nights with bed sheets.  Ice Alert on the Oregon Weather Station.  DB golfed in the 35' and I worked on the entrance.  Have added gravel from the Lake Tam dumping area to the dead ocotillo patio.  Rocks were removed for the rockery project.  Made a path and staging area for fountain (?) Lots of tiny new leaves on all bougs!!!!!!!!!  Loving the weather here.


Took my first Desert Gardener class: Pest and Weed Management.  Identified the Black Widow pest in my compost pile this morning.

Garden additions this week: two oleanders (liberated from small lake) and placed NE & SE;  three fine green (liberated from lot opposite) and places NE;  two palms (liberated from small lake) and placed E & SE.  With the grasses transplanted last month from the entrance grass I'm trying to establish a planting area in the NE next to the palm and property line.  The oleanders and palms are to provide color and oasis.

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