Sunday, March 20, 2011


March 19, 2011

Attended two Living Desert Master Gardener classes today:
The Desert Gardener w/ Kirk Anderson, TLD Garden Manager
G202 Ecology in Desert Gardens w/ Glenn Huntington, TLD Palo Verde Garden Center Manager

Both classes emphasized responsibilities of desert gardeners as caretakers of the environment.
Take aways:
Use of various sized decomposed granite in Agave Garden 
Mixed agaves

  • Find microclimates and niches within your garden 
  • North wall challenge- cold and shaded in winter, hot and open in summer
  • no right or wrong approach- it is an art with only you to please
  • desert adapted gardening- no fertilizing and no amending of soil
  • know the plant dimensions- right place
  • avoid invasives- certain fountain grasses (red ok), penstemon secicum (?) tamarisk
  • limit turf
  • best way to spread wildflowers is by planting naturalizing plants
  • decomposed granite preferred ground cover- various sizes
  • trees never within 5 feet of hardscape
  • phoenix hybrid mesquite, 
  • acacia aneuri doesn't like much watering, nice gray color
  • foothills palo verde (palo brea ?) great structure
  • tiling below topsoil  in imperial valley to keep salt out of the soil
desert marigold, verbena tunuaseca?, penstemon parryi- great combo

acacia- palo blanco-peeling white bark 20-25'

Foothills palo verde, palo brae ?